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Foster Family visits orthodontist in Colorado Springs!

June 30th, 2024

The Foster Family visited Dr. Michael Kofford in Colorado Springs last weekend. Dr. Kofford will be writing an upcoming article for OrthoTown Magazine and Dr. Foster got to spend a great deal of time in the clinic with Dr. Kofford. Dr. Foster also shared with Dr. Kofford a presentation with many of our Butterfly patients in it. It was a very great trip!

Foster Orthotown adventure

April 14th, 2024

Dr. Foster was on location last week in a far off destination writing one of his articles. Did you know that Dr. Foster is the Editor for the largest orthodontic publication in the United States? Whenever Dr. Foster travels for work he always likes to bring his family so that he doesn't miss time with them. Pictured are his 3 kids sleeping peacefully. These pictures are a stark contrast to the madness that went down during the Foster's red eye flight back home. Lets just say that was the real adventure!

Dr. Foster Orthotown work trip to Orange County

October 7th, 2023

Did you know.........Dr. Foster is the Editor of the largest orthodontic publication in the United States! Orthotown Magazine is sent out to over 10,000 orthodontists. Dr. Foster loves to write a monthly column for the magazine and also chooses authors for other articles and visits offices around the world to feature different orthodontists. This last week Dr. Foster was in Orange County to visit Dr. Hideki Ikeda who has 7 practices! Dr. Hikeda will be featured in a future issue of Orthotown and Dr. Foster interviewed him and visited his offices. Also while in OC, the Foster family visited Disneyland and had an amazing time.

Dr. Foster and family visit 3Shape in Copenhagen and attend the EOS in Oslo!

July 26th, 2023

The Foster crew were on the road again this summer! As the Editor of Orthotown Magazine (the largest orthodontic publication in the US) Dr. Foster was invited to visit the 3Shape Headquarters in Copenhagen for a private tour of the facility. 3Shape is on of the world's foremost innovators in regards to dental imaging. While in Copenhagen the Foster's visited one of the oldest amusement parks in the world, Tivoli Gardens.

After Copenhagen, the Fosters visited Oslo, Norway to attend the EOS international orthodontic meeting. Dr. Foster was quite busy during the trip meeting with other orthodontists from around the world but the family found a little time to explore the city by bike!

We are proud to be the highest rated and most referred to orthodontic practice in Arizona! Please come visit us and find out why!